Is Red Wine Good for Your Heart?

Is Red Wine Good for Your Heart?

It has been said that red wine in moderation can be good for your heart. But what are the benefits and how much is the right amount?

Which Red Wine Is Best?

Pinot noir contains fewer calories than other reds and is less likely to cause heartburn as it has a relatively low tannin content. It also contains the highest concentration of resveratrol, an antioxidant called polyphenol.

How Much Should I Drink?

It is not recommended that you start drinking to gain health benefits if you don’t already drink. For moderate drinkers, it is said that a healthy adult woman would have one drink a day, up to one drink a day for men older than 65, and up to two drinks a day for men age 65 and younger. The limit for men is different because they generally weigh more than women and have more of a certain enzyme that metabolizes alcohol. It should be noted that a “drink” is defined as 5 ounces of wine.

How Could Wine Help the Heart?

Moderate amounts of alcohol have been shown to help your heart, not just wine. It is thought that alcohol raises your good cholesterol, helps to prevent artery damage caused by bad cholesterol, reduces the formation of blood clots, and antioxidants could improve the function of cells that line blood vessels.

It is thought that certain substances in red wine may help prevent coronary artery disease, the condition that leads to heart attacks, however, too much alcohol can have harmful effects on your body and it is always recommended to drink in moderation. To achieve what is believed to be the highest benefits of consuming red wine or other alcohol, it is wise to stay within the guidelines listed above.


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